Global Smethwick: Guided Heritage Walk

Step into history and learn about role Victorian Smethwick played in the global stage on this guided heritage walk

One of Smethwick’s most important histories is its global industry during the Victorian era. This town once played a big role in international trade, the British empire and commonwealth and the movement of people around the world!

Join Dr Simon Briercliffe on this guided heritage walk and learn about the stories that tie Smethwick and its history to the global stage. What was it like? How has it forged the town we see today? And what evidence can we see around us?

Stops include sites such as the the Chance Brothers’ Glassworks, the Guru Nanak Gurdwara, the Red Cow pub and Marshall Street’s Malcom X plaque.

Want to have a fun day out, while also learning about the rich history of your local area? Come and join us as we take a whistle-stop tour through time!

During the walk, you’ll get to:

• Visit key historical sites in Smethwick

• Hear about your local heritage from historian Simon Briercliffe

• Share your own memories of your area

• Learn about the global impact of Smethwick and the role of immigration in forging the town we know today



Dr Simon Briercliffe (MA) is a historian (Black Country Living Museum) and Doctorial Researcher at the University of Birmingham. Simon specialises in the history of the Black Country, and has worked in museums and heritage. Alongside his research, Simon is an avid public speaker and reader, and even runs a local history blog!



Who can join?

Anyone aged 12+ can join the walk (children must be accompanied by an adult).

Please be aware, the walking route is 2.8km in length, and will take approximately 2 hours to complete.

When is this event happening?

There will be two sessions to choose from when booking. One on Tuesday 10th May at 2:30pm, the other on Saturday 4th June at 10am.

Please choose one session.

Where is this event happening?

We’ll meet you at Smethwick Cenotaph, next to Council House and Victoria Park, on High Street.

Once everyone has arrived, we’ll then head out on the walk.

Do I need to bring anything?

Please bring any food or refreshments you may need for the duration of the walk. This session will be outdoors, so please dress appropriately and wear suitable footwear. There may not be facilities during some parts of the walk, so please be prepared for a few hours outside.

• Any snacks or refreshments

• Suitable footwear

• Weather appropriate clothing (waterproofs/hats/suncream)

What happens if it rains?

This event will go ahead rain or shine. We strongly suggest you check the forecast ahead of time, and prepare for rain if necessary – don’t forget waterproofs and a brolly!



Made in Smethwick is an exciting season of events and activities taking place in and around Smethwick, highlighting the rich global history of local area.

Focusing on stories relating to two former industrial sites – Chance Brothers Glassworks and Soho Foundry and Mint – the events are a chance for people to explore the town’s industrial heritage, discover the history of their neighbourhood, and share their own ideas about what it’s like to live, work, and grow up in the area.


This isn’t the only event! Check out the full programme here.


This project has been funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.



Chance Heritage Trust is on a mission to raise the cultural profile of Smethwick’s industrial heritage, and bring former industrial buildings – like the iconic Chance Glassworks – back into use within the community.

Now, with help from the Community Renewal Fund, Chance Heritage Trust is starting to develop plans for the Chance Glassworks site.

This survey is part of a wider programme of community consultation, which will help to shape these plans.

How would you like to see these buildings used? And, apart from living and working spaces, what kind of opportunities and facilities should they contain for community use?

Fill out this short survey to have your say.

Glass Trails: A visit to Stourbridge Glass Museum

Join us for a visit to Stourbridge Glass Museum and learn about industrial heritage from historian Dr Simon Briercliffe

What makes Stourbridge so special? Its glass! During the industrial revolution this area achieved global fame for its iconic glass production. Now we’re heading into the heart of the history to explore Stourbridge Canal and glass quarter.

Join Dr Simon Briercliffe for an exciting guided visit to the Glass Museum and learn about how the glass industry shaped Stourbridge in the past.

These visits are designed to tie in with our Glass Trails guided heritage walks, which can be booked separately here.

Join us on a guided heritage visit and you’ll get the chance to:

• Explore the Stourbridge Glass Museum

• Learn about the vibrant history of industrial Stourbridge from historian Simon Briercliffe

• Take a walk through the Glass Quarter and see the remains of past industry in the landscape (optional)

• Ask questions!



Dr Simon Briercliffe (MA) is a historian (Black Country Living Museum) and Doctorial Researcher at the University of Birmingham. Simon specialises in the history of the Black Country, and has worked in museums and heritage. Alongside his research, Simon is an avid public speaker and reader, and even runs a local history blog!



Who can join?

Anyone aged 12+ can join the visit (children must be accompanied by an adult).

When is this event happening?

There will be two sessions to choose from, one on Sunday 8th May at 12:00pm and another on Tuesday 31st May at 1:00pm.

Please choose one session to attend.

Where is this event happening?

This event will take place at the Stourbridge Glass Museum. Once everyone has arrived at the museum, we’ll begin with the visit.

How do I join the optional Glass Trails Walk?

The museum visit is designed to tie in with a guided heritage walk through the glass quarter. If you’d like to join the walk, places can be booked separately here. Remember to book the corresponding time slot!



Made in Smethwick is an exciting season of events and activities taking place in and around Smethwick, highlighting the rich global history of local area.

Focusing on stories relating to two former industrial sites – Chance Brothers Glassworks and Soho Foundry and Mint – the events are a chance for people to explore the town’s industrial heritage, discover the history of their neighbourhood, and share their own ideas about what it’s like to live, work, and grow up in the area.


This isn’t the only event! Check out the full programme here.


This project has been funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.



Chance Heritage Trust is on a mission to raise the cultural profile of Smethwick’s industrial heritage, and bring former industrial buildings – like the iconic Chance Glassworks – back into use within the community.

Now, with help from the Community Renewal Fund, Chance Heritage Trust is starting to develop plans for the Chance Glassworks site.

This survey is part of a wider programme of community consultation, which will help to shape these plans.

How would you like to see these buildings used? And, apart from living and working spaces, what kind of opportunities and facilities should they contain for community use?

Fill out this short survey to have your say.

Glass Trails: Guided Heritage Walk

Step into history and explore the unique history of glassmaking that made Stourbridge world famous in the Industrial Revolution

We’re heading to the historical heart of Smethwick to explore the history that lines its famous canals!

From the Chance Brother’s glassworks, to Soho Foundry, Smethwick boasts a rich industrial history. We’ll be exploring this history through a series of guided heritage walks.

This is an exciting chance to explore how industry, transport and architecture interacted over time and uncover the stories behind Smethwick’s famous canals with expert guest speakers from a variety of different fields.

Want to have a fun day out, while also learning about the industrial heritage of Smethwick? Come and join us as we take a whistle-stop tour through time!

These walks are designed to tie in with our Galton Valley Pumping Station visits, which can be booked separately here.

Join us for our guided heritage walks, and you’ll get the chance to:

• Walk the length of Smethwick’s canals and take in the standing history

• Hear more about the landscape around you from our friendly experts

• Learn about the industrial heritage of your local area

• Share your own knowledge of the canals, the glasswork and the town with fellow walkers



Dr Simon Briercliffe (MA) is a historian (Black Country Living Museum) and Doctorial Researcher at the University of Birmingham. Simon specialises in the history of the Black Country, and has worked in museums and heritage. Alongside his research, Simon is an avid public speaker and reader, and even runs a local history blog!



Who can join?

Anyone aged 12+ can join the walk (children must be accompanied by an adult).

Please be aware, the walking route is 2.5miles in length, and will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete (excluding stops).

When is this event happening?

There will be two sessions to choose from when booking. One on Sunday 8th May, the other on Sunday 31st May. Both sessions will begin at 10am.

Please choose one session.

Where is this event happening?

We’ll meet you at the Stourbridge Town Interchange.

Once everyone has arrived, we’ll then head out on the walk. There is an optional bus route (10 mins) which returns to the start point if attendees would prefer not to walk following the stop at Red House Glass Cone and the optional Stourbridge Glass Museum visit.

How do I join the optional Stourbridge Glass Museum visit?

If you’d like to join the optional visit to the Stourbridge Glass Museum, you’ll need to book a separate ticket here. Please note you will need to bring £4 per person to cover the entry fee.

Remember to book the corresponding time slot!

Do I need to bring anything?

Please bring any snacks or refreshments you may need for the duration of the walk. This session will be partially outdoors, so please dress appropriately and wear suitable footwear. The walk will include a stop at the Red House Glass Cone, and an optional stop at the Stourbridge Glass Museum, where facilities and a café will be available.

• Any snacks or refreshments

• Suitable footwear

• Weather appropriate clothing (waterproofs/hats/suncream)

What happens if it rains?

This event will go ahead rain or shine. We strongly suggest you check the forecast ahead of time, and prepare for rain if necessary – don’t forget waterproofs and a brolly!



Made in Smethwick is an exciting season of events and activities taking place in and around Smethwick, highlighting the rich global history of local area.

Focusing on stories relating to two former industrial sites – Chance Brothers Glassworks and Soho Foundry and Mint – the events are a chance for people to explore the town’s industrial heritage, discover the history of their neighbourhood, and share their own ideas about what it’s like to live, work, and grow up in the area.


This isn’t the only event! Check out the full programme here.


This project has been funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.



Chance Heritage Trust is on a mission to raise the cultural profile of Smethwick’s industrial heritage, and bring former industrial buildings – like the iconic Chance Glassworks – back into use within the community.

Now, with help from the Community Renewal Fund, Chance Heritage Trust is starting to develop plans for the Chance Glassworks site.

This survey is part of a wider programme of community consultation, which will help to shape these plans.

How would you like to see these buildings used? And, apart from living and working spaces, what kind of opportunities and facilities should they contain for community use?

Fill out this short survey to have your say.